Address & Contact Info
Address: 2910 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY 11210, USAContact: Suzette Grant at
Meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. except July and August.
Corporate Communion every 5th Sunday at 9:00 a.m. during weekly mass.
Mission and Ministry
The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is to be especially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life. Membership is open to all who have been baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity and intend to support and work for the Aim, Purpose and Objects of the Society. Members are united in prayer and service to show forth the glory of God and to help forward the work of the church.
The Mothers’ Union of the Church of the Epiphany and Saint Simon was founded in 2014 and was commissioned on the sunny summer afternoon of June 28, 2015. The Branch was inaugurated with 11 founding members. Over the last seven years our work in the church and community expanded. So did the growth of our membership which currently stands at 19 active members. With each year our mission to serve the church, our surrounding communities and any one in need, pushes us to new heights in upholding the objectives of the Mothers’ Union and maintaining our Christian values. In the days and years to come we hope we will continue to do God’s work and uphold the values of the Mothers’ Union.
Projects / What we Do
1. Quarterly Saturday morning Prayers and Worship
2. Annual Women’s Day event in partnership with the Epiphany Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
3. Yearly Thanksgiving and Christmas Feeding at various family shelters.
4. Annual Toy and School Supplies Drive for children in our communities and sister Mothers’ Union branches overseas.
5. Personal care and Pajamas Drive for Women’s shelter
6. Annual Springtime Bake Sale fundraiser
7. Self-care and Wellness fundraiser
Other Updates